Migration to v2.0

Joda-Beans v2.0 has some incompatible changes.


The BeanQuery interface has been removed. It was rarely used and can be better achieved via lambdas and functional interfaces in Java SE 8. The ChainedBeanQuery class is removed, with some behaviour replaced by JodaBeanUtils.chain().


The PropertyMap interface has been removed. It was rarely used and can be better achieved via JodaBeanUtils.flatten() or BasicPropertyMap.of().

BeanBuilder generics

The method BeanBuilder.get(MetaProperty) has changed its generics. It you use it or have written a BeanBuilder you may be affected.

BeanBuilder setString() and setAll()

Applications should use Joda-Convert directly for the setString() methods and loop for setAll().

Registering meta-beans

The JodaBeanUtils.registerMetaBean() and JodaBeanUtils.metaBean() methods have been deprecated. Use MetaBean.register() and MetaBean.of() instead.

Config file

The config file “jdk6.ini” has been renamed to “jdk.ini”. The old name is recognised on the command line.

Light and Minimal beans

The code generation strategies have been altered to be simpler. They are now ready for Java SE 9.

Reflective beans

The factory method has been changed. The meta-bean now takes all the property names. This avoids the need to use reflection to find the meta-properties, ready for Java SE 9.

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Version: 2.11.0. Last Published: 2024-05-23.

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