Class JodaBeanSimpleJsonReader

  • public class JodaBeanSimpleJsonReader
    extends Object
    Provides the ability for a Joda-Bean to read from JSON.

    The JSON format is defined by JodaBeanJsonWriter.

    This class contains mutable state and cannot be used from multiple threads. A new instance must be created for each message.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JodaBeanSimpleJsonReader

        public JodaBeanSimpleJsonReader​(JodaBeanSer settings)
        Creates an instance.
        settings - the settings, not null
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public <T> T read​(String input,
                          Class<T> rootType)
        Reads and parses to a bean.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the root type
        input - the input string, not null
        rootType - the root type, not null
        the bean, not null
      • read

        public <T> T read​(Reader input,
                          Class<T> rootType)
        Reads and parses to a bean.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the root type
        input - the input reader, not null
        rootType - the root type, not null
        the bean, not null