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abs() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a positive amount.
abs() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a positive amount.
add(BigMoney, BigMoney) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Adds two BigMoney objects, handling null.
add(Money, Money) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Adds two Money objects, handling null.
append(MoneyFormatter) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the printers and parsers from the specified formatter to this builder.
append(MoneyPrinter, MoneyParser) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the specified printer and parser to this builder.
appendAmount() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the amount to the builder using a standard format.
appendAmount(MoneyAmountStyle) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the amount to the builder using the specified amount style.
appendAmountLocalized() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the amount to the builder using a grouped localized format.
appendCurrencyCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the currency code to the builder.
appendCurrencyNumeric3Code() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the currency code to the builder.
appendCurrencyNumericCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the currency code to the builder.
appendCurrencySymbolLocalized() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the localized currency symbol to the builder.
appendLiteral(CharSequence) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends a literal to the builder.
appendSigned(MoneyFormatter, MoneyFormatter) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the specified formatters, one used when the amount is positive, and one when the amount is negative.
appendSigned(MoneyFormatter, MoneyFormatter, MoneyFormatter) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Appends the specified formatters, one used when the amount is positive, one when the amount is zero and one when the amount is negative.
ASCII_DECIMAL_COMMA_GROUP3_DOT - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal comma and groups large amounts in 3's using a dot.
ASCII_DECIMAL_COMMA_GROUP3_SPACE - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal comma and groups large amounts in 3's using a space.
ASCII_DECIMAL_COMMA_NO_GROUPING - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal point and no grouping of large amounts.
ASCII_DECIMAL_POINT_GROUP3_COMMA - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal point and groups large amounts in 3's using a comma.
ASCII_DECIMAL_POINT_GROUP3_SPACE - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal point and groups large amounts in 3's using a space.
ASCII_DECIMAL_POINT_NO_GROUPING - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that uses ASCII digits/negative sign, the decimal point and no grouping of large amounts.
AUD - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'AUD' - Australian Dollar.


BEFORE_DECIMAL_POINT - org.joda.money.format.GroupingStyle
Grouping occurs, but only before the decimal point.
BigMoney - Class in org.joda.money
An amount of money with unrestricted decimal place precision.
BigMoneyProvider - Interface in org.joda.money
Provides a uniform interface to obtain a BigMoney.


CAD - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'CAD' - Canadian Dollar.
CHF - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'CHF' - Swiss Franc.
compareTo(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Compares this monetary value to another.
compareTo(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Compares this monetary value to another.
compareTo(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Compares this currency to another by alphabetical comparison of the code.
convertedTo(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate.
convertedTo(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result.
convertRetainScale(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result.
CurrencyMismatchException - Exception in org.joda.money
Exception thrown when a monetary operation fails due to mismatched currencies.
CurrencyMismatchException(CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit) - Constructor for exception org.joda.money.CurrencyMismatchException
CurrencyUnit - Class in org.joda.money
A unit of currency.
CurrencyUnitDataProvider - Class in org.joda.money
Provider for available currencies.
CurrencyUnitDataProvider() - Constructor for class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnitDataProvider


dividedBy(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value using the specified rounding mode to adjust the scale.
dividedBy(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.
dividedBy(long, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value using the specified rounding mode to adjust the decimal places in the result.
dividedBy(long, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.
dividedBy(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value using the specified rounding mode to adjust the scale.
dividedBy(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Checks if this currency equals another currency.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Compares this style with another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value equals another.
EUR - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'EUR' - Euro.


FULL - org.joda.money.format.GroupingStyle
No grouping occurs.


GBP - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'GBP' - British pound.
getAmount() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount.
getAmount() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the parsed amount.
getAmount() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount.
getAmountMajor() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in major units as a BigDecimal with scale 0.
getAmountMajor() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in major units as a BigDecimal with scale 0.
getAmountMajorInt() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in major units as an int.
getAmountMajorInt() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in major units as an int.
getAmountMajorLong() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in major units as a long.
getAmountMajorLong() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in major units as a long.
getAmountMinor() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in minor units as a BigDecimal with scale 0.
getAmountMinor() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in minor units as a BigDecimal with scale 0.
getAmountMinorInt() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in minor units as an int.
getAmountMinorInt() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in minor units as an int.
getAmountMinorLong() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the amount in minor units as a long.
getAmountMinorLong() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the amount in minor units as a long.
getCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the ISO-4217 three-letter currency code.
getCountryCodes() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the country codes applicable to this currency.
getCurrency() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the parsed currency.
getCurrencyUnit() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the currency.
getCurrencyUnit() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the currency.
getDecimalPlaces() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the number of decimal places typically used by this currency.
getDecimalPointCharacter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the character used for the decimal point.
getErrorIndex() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the error index.
getExtendedGroupingSize() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the size of each group, not typically used.
getFirstCurrency() - Method in exception org.joda.money.CurrencyMismatchException
Gets the first currency at fault.
getGroupingCharacter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the character used to separate groups, typically thousands.
getGroupingSize() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the size of each group, typically 3 for thousands.
getGroupingStyle() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the style of grouping required.
getIndex() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the current parse position index.
getLocale() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Gets the locale to use.
getLocale() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the locale.
getLocale() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyPrintContext
Gets the locale.
getMinorPart() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the minor part of the amount.
getMinorPart() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the minor part of the amount.
getNegativeSignCharacter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the character used for the negative sign character.
getNumeric3Code() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the ISO-4217 numeric currency code as a three digit string.
getNumericCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the ISO-4217 numeric currency code.
getPositiveSignCharacter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the character used for the positive sign character.
getScale() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets the scale of the BigDecimal amount.
getScale() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the scale of the BigDecimal amount.
getSecondCurrency() - Method in exception org.joda.money.CurrencyMismatchException
Gets the second currency at fault.
getSymbol() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the symbol for this locale from the JDK.
getSymbol(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the symbol for this locale from the JDK.
getText() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the text being parsed.
getTextLength() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets the length of the text being parsed.
getTextSubstring(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Gets a substring of the text being parsed.
getZeroCharacter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets the character used for zero, and defining the characters zero to nine.
GroupingStyle - Enum in org.joda.money.format
Defines the style for numeric grouping.


hashCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a hash code for this monetary value.
hashCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Returns a suitable hash code for the currency.
hashCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A suitable hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a hash code for this monetary value.


IllegalCurrencyException - Exception in org.joda.money
Exception thrown when the requested currency is illegal.
IllegalCurrencyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.joda.money.IllegalCurrencyException
isAbsValue() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns true if the absolute value setting.
isComplete() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Checks if the context contains a currency and amount suitable for creating a monetary value.
isCurrencyScale() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this money has the scale of the currency.
isEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value is equal to another.
isEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value is equal to another.
isError() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Checks if the parse has found an error.
isForcedDecimalPoint() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets whether to always use the decimal point, even if there is no fraction.
isFullyParsed() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Checks if the text has been fully parsed such that there is no more text to parse.
isGreaterThan(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value is greater than another.
isGreaterThan(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value is greater than another.
isGreaterThanOrEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value is greater than or equal to another.
isGreaterThanOrEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value is greater than or equal to another.
isLessThan(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value is less than another.
isLessThan(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value is less than another.
isLessThanOrEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this monetary value is less or equal to than another.
isLessThanOrEqual(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this monetary value is less than or equal to another.
isNegative() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if the amount is less than zero.
isNegative() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if the amount is less than zero.
isNegative(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Checks if the monetary value is negative and non-zero, treating null as zero.
isNegativeOrZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if the amount is zero or less.
isNegativeOrZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if the amount is zero or less.
isNegativeOrZero(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Checks if the monetary value is negative or zero, treating null as zero.
isParser() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Checks whether this formatter can parse.
isPositive() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if the amount is greater than zero.
isPositive() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if the amount is greater than zero.
isPositive(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Checks if the monetary value is positive and non-zero, treating null as zero.
isPositiveOrZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if the amount is zero or greater.
isPositiveOrZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if the amount is zero or greater.
isPositiveOrZero(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Checks if the monetary value is positive or zero, treating null as zero.
isPrinter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Checks whether this formatter can print.
isPseudoCurrency() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Checks if this is a pseudo-currency.
isSameCurrency(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if this instance and the specified instance have the same currency.
isSameCurrency(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if this instance and the specified instance have the same currency.
isZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Checks if the amount is zero.
isZero() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Checks if the amount is zero.
isZero(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Checks if the monetary value is zero, treating null as zero.


JPY - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'JPY' - Japanese Yen.


localize(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a MoneyAmountStyle instance configured for the specified locale.
LOCALIZED_GROUPING - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that will be filled in with localized values using the locale of the formatter.
LOCALIZED_NO_GROUPING - Static variable in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
A style that will be filled in with localized values using the locale of the formatter.


max(BigMoney, BigMoney) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Finds the maximum BigMoney value, handing null.
max(Money, Money) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Finds the maximum Money value, handing null.
min(BigMoney, BigMoney) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Finds the minimum BigMoney value, handing null.
min(Money, Money) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Finds the minimum Money value, handing null.
minus(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider>) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts subtracted.
minus(Iterable<Money>) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts subtracted.
minus(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minus(Money) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
minusMajor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units subtracted.
minusMajor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units subtracted.
minusMinor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units subtracted.
minusMinor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units subtracted.
minusRetainScale(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted retaining the scale by rounding the result.
minusRetainScale(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted retaining the scale by rounding the result.
minusRetainScale(BigMoneyProvider, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in the same currency subtracted retaining the scale by rounding the result.
Money - Class in org.joda.money
An amount of money with the standard decimal places defined by the currency.
MoneyAmountStyle - Class in org.joda.money.format
Defines the style that the amount of a monetary value will be formatted with.
MoneyFormatException - Exception in org.joda.money.format
Exception thrown during monetary formatting.
MoneyFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatException
Constructor taking a message.
MoneyFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatException
Constructor taking a message and cause.
MoneyFormatter - Class in org.joda.money.format
Formats instances of money to and from a String.
MoneyFormatterBuilder - Class in org.joda.money.format
Provides the ability to build a formatter for monetary values.
MoneyFormatterBuilder() - Constructor for class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Constructor, creating a new empty builder.
MoneyParseContext - Class in org.joda.money.format
Context used when parsing money.
MoneyParser - Interface in org.joda.money.format
Parses part of a textual input string of monetary information.
MoneyPrintContext - Class in org.joda.money.format
Context used when printing money.
MoneyPrinter - Interface in org.joda.money.format
Prints part of a monetary value to the output appendable.
MoneyUtils - Class in org.joda.money
Utilities for working with monetary values that handle null.
multipliedBy(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multipliedBy(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multipliedBy(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multipliedBy(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multipliedBy(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multipliedBy(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
multiplyRetainScale(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value using the specified rounding mode to adjust the scale of the result.
multiplyRetainScale(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value using the specified rounding mode to adjust the scale of the result.


negated() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount negated.
negated() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount negated.
NONE - org.joda.money.format.GroupingStyle
No grouping occurs.


of(String) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified three letter currency code.
of(Currency) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit matching the specified JDK currency.
of(Locale) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified locale.
of(Locale) - Static method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets a localized style.
of(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a provider.
of(BigMoneyProvider) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a provider.
of(BigMoneyProvider, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a provider, rounding as necessary.
of(CurrencyUnit, double) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a well-defined conversion.
of(CurrencyUnit, double) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion.
of(CurrencyUnit, double, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary.
of(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal.
of(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal.
of(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal, rounding as necessary.
ofCountry(String) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-3166 country code.
ofMajor(CurrencyUnit, long) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in major units.
ofMajor(CurrencyUnit, long) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in major units.
ofMinor(CurrencyUnit, long) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in minor units.
ofMinor(CurrencyUnit, long) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in minor units.
ofNumericCode(int) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code.
ofNumericCode(String) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code.
ofScale(CurrencyUnit, long, int) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a scaled amount.
ofScale(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal at a specific scale.
ofScale(CurrencyUnit, BigDecimal, int, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary.
org.joda.money - module org.joda.money
Joda-Money provides a library of classes to store amounts of money.
org.joda.money - package org.joda.money
org.joda.money.format - package org.joda.money.format


parse(CharSequence, int) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Parses the text extracting monetary information.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Parses an instance of BigMoney from a string.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Parses an instance of Money from a string.
parse(MoneyParseContext) - Method in interface org.joda.money.format.MoneyParser
Parses monetary information using a textual representation.
parseBigMoney(CharSequence) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Fully parses the text into a BigMoney.
parseMoney(CharSequence) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Fully parses the text into a Money requiring that the parsed amount has the correct number of decimal places.
plus(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider>) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts added.
plus(Iterable<Money>) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts added.
plus(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plus(Money) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
plusMajor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units added.
plusMajor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units added.
plusMinor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units added.
plusMinor(long) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units added.
plusRetainScale(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added retaining the scale by rounding the result.
plusRetainScale(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added retaining the scale by rounding the result.
plusRetainScale(BigMoneyProvider, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in the same currency added retaining the scale by rounding the result.
print(Appendable, BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Prints a monetary value to an Appendable converting any IOException to a MoneyFormatException.
print(BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Prints a monetary value to a String.
print(MoneyPrintContext, Appendable, BigMoney) - Method in interface org.joda.money.format.MoneyPrinter
Prints part of a monetary value to the output appendable.
printIO(Appendable, BigMoneyProvider) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Prints a monetary value to an Appendable potentially throwing an IOException.


registerCountry(String, String) - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnitDataProvider
Registers a country allowing it to be used.
registerCountry(String, CurrencyUnit) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Registers a country code, typically ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.
registerCurrencies() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnitDataProvider
Registers all the currencies known by this provider.
registerCurrency(String, int, int) - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnitDataProvider
Registers a currency allowing it to be used.
registerCurrency(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Registers a currency allowing it to be used, allowing replacement.
registerCurrency(String, int, int, List<String>) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Registers a currency and associated countries allowing it to be used.
registerCurrency(String, int, int, List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Registers a currency and associated countries allowing it to be used, allowing replacement.
registeredCountries() - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the list of all registered countries.
registeredCurrencies() - Static method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the list of all registered currencies.
rethrowIOException() - Method in exception org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatException
Checks if the cause of this exception was an IOException, and if so re-throws it
rounded(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value rounded to the specified scale without changing the current scale.
rounded(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value rounded to the specified scale without changing the current scale.


setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the parsed currency.
setCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the parsed currency.
setError() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the error index from the current index.
setErrorIndex(int) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the error index.
setIndex(int) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the current parse position index.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the locale.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyPrintContext
Sets the locale.
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Sets the text.
subtract(BigMoney, BigMoney) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Subtracts the second BigMoney from the first, handling null.
subtract(Money, Money) - Static method in class org.joda.money.MoneyUtils
Subtracts the second Money from the first, handling null.


toBigMoney() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Implements the BigMoneyProvider interface, trivially returning this.
toBigMoney() - Method in interface org.joda.money.BigMoneyProvider
Returns a BigMoney instance equivalent to the value of this object.
toBigMoney() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Converts the context to a BigMoney.
toBigMoney() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Implements the BigMoneyProvider interface, returning a BigMoney instance with the same currency, amount and scale.
toCurrency() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the JDK currency instance equivalent to this currency.
toFormatter() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Builds the formatter from the builder using the default locale.
toFormatter(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatterBuilder
Builds the formatter from the builder setting the locale.
toMoney() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Converts this money to an instance of Money without rounding.
toMoney(RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Converts this money to an instance of Money.
toParsePosition() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyParseContext
Converts the indexes to a parse position.
toString() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Gets this monetary value as a string.
toString() - Method in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
Gets the currency code as a string.
toString() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Gets a string summary of the style.
toString() - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Gets a string summary of the formatter.
toString() - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Gets the monetary value as a string.
total(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider>) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney as the total value of a collection.
total(Iterable<Money>) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a collection.
total(BigMoneyProvider...) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney as the total value of an array.
total(CurrencyUnit, Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider>) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
total(CurrencyUnit, Iterable<Money>) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
total(CurrencyUnit, BigMoneyProvider...) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
total(CurrencyUnit, Money...) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
total(Money...) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of an array.


USD - Static variable in class org.joda.money.CurrencyUnit
The currency 'USD' - United States Dollar.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.joda.money.format.GroupingStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.joda.money.format.GroupingStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAbsValue(boolean) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified absolute value setting.
withAmount(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount using a well-defined conversion from a double.
withAmount(double) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount using a well-defined conversion from a double.
withAmount(double, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount using a well-defined conversion from a double.
withAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount.
withAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount.
withAmount(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount.
withCurrencyScale() - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the scale of the currency, truncating the amount if necessary.
withCurrencyScale(RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the scale of the currency, using the specified rounding mode if necessary.
withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.Money
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
withDecimalPointCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified decimal point character.
withExtendedGroupingSize(Integer) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified extended grouping size.
withForcedDecimalPoint(boolean) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified decimal point setting.
withGroupingCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified grouping character.
withGroupingSize(Integer) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified grouping size.
withGroupingStyle(GroupingStyle) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified grouping setting.
withLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyFormatter
Returns a copy of this instance with the specified locale.
withNegativeSignCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified negative sign character.
withPositiveSignCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified positive sign character.
withScale(int) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified scale, truncating the amount if necessary.
withScale(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified scale, using the specified rounding mode if necessary.
withZeroCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.joda.money.format.MoneyAmountStyle
Returns a copy of this style with the specified zero character.


zero(CurrencyUnit) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero.
zero(CurrencyUnit) - Static method in class org.joda.money.Money
Obtains an instance of Money representing zero.
zero(CurrencyUnit, int) - Static method in class org.joda.money.BigMoney
Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero at a specific scale.
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